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L A   S E L V A T I C A

M E E T S   H A N N O V E R

2 7 . 0 7.  -  2 8 . J U L I  ´24 
9 A M - 6 P M  H A N N O V E R

L A    S E L V A T I C A    K O M M T    N A C H    H A N N O V E R !

Verbringe zwei inspirierende Tage voller Bewusstsein und innerer Ruhe beim

LaSelvatica WEEKEND Retreat, das vom 27. bis 28.Juli 2024 stattfindet.

(Übernachtung nich inclusive)



Tauche ein in eine Welt des Wachstums und der Entspannung, während wir eine Vielzahl von Transformationstechniken anbieten, um deine Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang zu bringen.

Erfahre die wohltuende Wirkung von Yoga auf deinen Körper und Geist und verbessere deine

Flexibilität und innere Balance.


Entdecke die Herzöffnungseigenschaften von Kakao in einer einzigartigen Zeremonie und erlebe tiefe Verbundenheit mit dir selbst und anderen Teilnehmern.


Löse Blockaden, setze Energie frei und stärke deine körperliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit durch eine geführte Movement Therapy. Tauche ein in die transformative Kraft des bewussten, verbundenen Atmens und erfahre eine tiefgreifende Entgiftung auf Zellebene.


Lasse dich von den Klängen und Schwingungen eines Sound Healings in einen Zustand der Entspannung und des inneren Friedens führen.


Während des Retreats werden köstliche Mahlzeiten und erfrischende Getränke für die Zwei Tage zur Verfügung gestellt.










E L L I   S T A I G E R

Elli is a highly skilled professional dancer and movement therapist who has dedicated her life to the art of movement and its therapeutic benefits. With a profound passion for dance and deep understanding of the body mind connection, Elli brings a unique blend of expertise and creativity to her work. Beyond her accomplishments as a performer,

Elli's true calling lies in the realm of movement therapy. With a compassionate and intuitive approach, she helps individuals explore and express themselves through movement, facilitating personal growth and healing.

M A R I S O L   P R A D A


Marisol is a remarkable individual known for her unique ability

to bring diverse groups of people together.

With a genuine warmth and infectious enthusiasm, Marisol creates spaces

where connections are forged, and communities are strengthened.

As a seeker of traditions, Marisol has dedicated herself to exploring

and preserving cultural practices from around the world.

Her deep appreciation for the wisdom and rituals of different cultures has led

her on a transformativejourney, seeking to bridge the gap between ancient

traditions and  modern- day life.

P E D R O   I N F I N I T O 


Pedro has called the LakeAtitlan in Guatemala his home and devoted

himself to study and walk the path of the Sacred Mayan Spirituality.

Pedro was guided by the teachings of Tata Pedro Cruz, a revered elder

and esteemed wisdom keepe. His powerful Journey is deeply rooted in spirituality.

Pedro spent sixteen years walking this path under his guidence.

In addition to his experience with the Sacred Fire,Pedro is also a teacher

of the intricate Mayan Cosmovision.

A N I S S A    A L   J A Y


Anissa is not just a singer;

she's a mesmerizing force of melody, capable of reaching into the depths of the soul with her voice. Born with an innate gift for music, Anissa discovered her passion for singing at a young age, captivating those around her with her natural talent and heartfelt performances.

Anissa's voice isn't just heard; it's felt. It's a beacon of hope in times of darkness, a source of comfort in moments of sorrow, and a celebration of life's most profound joys. Through her music, she touches hearts, transcending boundaries of language and culture to create a shared experience that unites us all.


K I K I   S U N S H I N E

Kiki has an unwavering love for this unique somatic discipline, which she began practicing back in 2017.  

She sees yoga as conscious participation in archetypal patterns of human development, which she is ever drawn to explore.


Many inspiring people taught her about yoga, but the deepest and most lasting imprints have been made by Stewart Gilchrist, Mark Kan, Eddie Stern, Dylan Werner, Boonchu Tantikarun, Rafa Chaman, 

to all of whom she is forever grateful. These teachers all did something remarkable, which is to disappear, and allow the spirit of yoga to stand forth from within.


In the heart of urban exploration, Kiki honed her skills with an intensive 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training under the guidance of Jared McCann Vinyasa at Lighthouse Yoga School in NYC.

T I M E   T A B L E

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

2 7 th  J U L Y,  S A T U R D A Y

09:00    arrival & opening circle

10:00     yoga

12:30     lunch break

13:30    introduction breathwork

14:30    break

14:45    conscious connected breath

16:00    sound bath & live music

17:00    sharing circle

2 8th  J U L Y ,  S U N D A Y

       arrival & opening circle     09:00

     cacao circle      10:30

    lunch break     12:00

    introduction flutendbody     13:30

 break     14:30

  fluentbody    14:45

   sharing circle & closing circle    16:00

27. Juli 2024, 09:00
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