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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, commonly known as QHHT, is a profound healing modality that combines hypnosis and regression therapy. Developed by the late Dolores Cannon, a renowned hypnotherapist, QHHT aims to access the deepest levels of the subconscious mind to facilitate profound healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.
During a QHHT session, the client is guided into a deep state of relaxation and hypnotic trance, allowing access to their Higher Self or Subconscious. This higher aspect of the individual holds infinite knowledge and serves as a guide, providing insight, healing, and answers to life's questions. Through this process, individuals can explore past lives, gain clarity on present life challenges, and receive profound insights and healing at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
QHHT has gained popularity due to its ability to address a wide range of issues, including physical ailments, emotional trauma, relationship challenges, and spiritual exploration. It offers a transformative experience that helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose.


QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS, commonly known as QHHT, is a profound healing modality that combines hypnosis and regression therapy. Developed by the late Dolores Cannon, a renowned hypnotherapist, QHHT aims to access the deepest levels of the subconscious mind to facilitate profound healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.
During a QHHT session, the client is guided into a deep state of relaxation and hypnotic trance, allowing access to their Higher Self or Subconscious. This higher aspect of the individual holds infinite knowledge and serves as a guide, providing insight, healing, and answers to life's questions. Through this process, individuals can explore past lives, gain clarity on present life challenges, and receive profound insights and healing at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
QHHT has gained popularity due to its ability to address a wide range of issues, including physical ailments, emotional trauma, relationship challenges, and spiritual exploration. It offers a transformative experience that helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose.


BRETHWORK refers to various techniques and practices that utilize conscious and intentional breathing patterns to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a powerful tool for self-exploration, healing, and personal growth.
Different breathwork modalities emphasize different breathing techniques, but they all share the common goal of using the breath as a catalyst for transformation. These techniques often involve conscious deep breathing, specific breath patterns, and breath awareness exercises.
Breathwork can have a profound impact on the body and mind. It helps release physical tension, enhances oxygenation, and activates the body's natural healing mechanisms. Moreover, it can bring about emotional release, stress reduction, increased self-awareness, and a sense of inner peace and relaxation.
Various breathwork modalities exist, including Holotropic Breathwork, Rebirthing Breathwork, and Transformational Breathwork, each with its unique approach and emphasis. Whether practiced individually or in a group setting, breathwork offers a powerful and accessible way to connect with oneself, unlock inner potential, and facilitate personal transformation.
Please note that while QHHT and breathwork have gained popularity and are known for their potential benefits, it is essential to seek guidance from trained and certified practitioners to ensure a safe and supportive experience.


Hypnosis is a state of focused awareness. When the mind focuses fully on something it tends to exclude everything else. For example when we watch a movie, or when we have a chat with a friend we haven’t seen for a long time and time seems to pass at an incredible speed… “my goodness! it’s been 2 hours!”Hypnosis is a state of mental and often physical relaxation, very similar to the state you experience just before falling asleep, or just before waking up in the morning.During this time the subconscious mind is very receptive and can quickly access stored information.Body asleep, mind awake: during hypnosis your body relaxes deeply and your mind becomes more aware than other times so:• You are aware of everything, you can hear everything (you never lose consciousness)• You don’t fall asleep• You are always in control of yourself

What is Hypnosis? 

Hypnosis is a state of focused awareness. When the mind focuses fully on something it tends to exclude everything else. For example when we watch a movie, or when we have a chat with a friend we haven’t seen for a long time and time seems to pass at an incredible speed… “my goodness! it’s been 2 hours!”
Hypnosis and Breathwork is a state of mental and often physical relaxation, very similar to the state you experience just before falling asleep, or just before waking up in the morning.
During this time the subconscious mind is very receptive and can quickly access stored information.
Body asleep, mind awake: during hypnosis your body relaxes deeply and your mind becomes more aware than other times so:

• You are aware of everything, you can hear everything (you never lose consciousness)
• You don’t fall asleep
• You are always in control of yourself



witch treatment should i choose

Deciding which treatment to choose, whether it's QHHT or breathwork, depends on your specific needs, preferences, and goals. Here are some considerations to help you make a decision:
  1. Intention and Focus: Think about what you hope to achieve through the treatment. Are you primarily seeking deep self-exploration, spiritual insights, and healing at various levels? If so, QHHT might be a suitable choice as it allows access to the subconscious mind and can address physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
  2. Healing vs. Self-Exploration: If your main focus is on healing specific physical or emotional issues, QHHT's regression therapy aspect might be more aligned with your goals. It can help you uncover the root causes of ailments or challenges and facilitate healing at a deep level.
  3. Breathwork Benefits: On the other hand, if you're interested in breathwork's potential benefits such as stress reduction, emotional release, relaxation, and increased self-awareness, you may find breathwork techniques more appealing. Breathwork can be practiced regularly as a standalone practice or as a complementary tool alongside other therapies. 
  4. Personal Preferences: Consider your comfort level with hypnosis and trance states. Some individuals may feel more at ease with breathwork techniques that focus on conscious breathing and self-guided exploration. Others may find the idea of accessing the subconscious mind through QHHT intriguing and transformative.
  5. Availability and Accessibility: Take into account the availability of trained practitioners in your area for both QHHT and breathwork. Research reputable practitioners and their credentials to ensure you receive a safe and professional experience.
  6. Ultimately, the choice is a personal one, and there is no right or wrong answer. You may also consider trying both modalities at different times to explore their unique benefits. Trust your intuition and select the treatment that resonates with you the most and aligns with your specific needs and goals.
we can have a discovery call where we will figure out witch techninque is best for you. 

in wich Language is the Session? 

The sessions are always one on one and NOT Online. Offerd in English, German and Spanish. 

 intrested in a Session


Marisol Caballero Prada

Hypnose Therapist * Reiki Master * Yoga Teacher

based in Mexico, Tulum




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